穆益林的帛画正在受到了广泛的关注。一是由 于穆益林先生几十年不图名利,默默付出心血对帛画开展执著的研究、开拓与探索,为我中华瑰宝帛画的传承和振新做出了有开创意义的历史贡献。央视网访谈报道他“重拾了帛画的辉煌”,中国网和凤凰网评价他“领航了当代的中国帛画”,上海电视台对他以中国帛画的先行者名义拍摄了纪录片等等。故此,穆益林的帛画被国家艺术机构、知名专家、企业及海外人士高度重视与收藏,并在近两年的拍卖会上受到了众多藏家的青睐。二是由于穆益林帛画具有独创性和不可复制性,艺术价值高。正如央视《写意人生,穆益林》专题片评论他“成功开创了一条前无古人的、与众不同的、崭新的现代帛画之路,画面色彩效果会随观画的祝角不同、光源不同,以及光线对画面照射的角度不同而变化,时而绚丽夺目,时而淡雅含蓄,光和色彩相互交融,笔墨和图形时而显露,时而隐没,色彩厚重却又把帛的肌理效果表现得有声有色。古今帛画包括绢本画中未曾有过这样的效果,中外绘画作品中也未见过这样的效果”。
Mu Yilin's silk paintings are receiving more and more attentions at home and abroad. Mr. Mu Yilin has made a path-breaking contribution to the inheriting and revival of silk painting, the national treasure of China through his decades of silent explorations and research without any attention to fame or gain. CCTV.com reported that he picked up the glory of silk painting; China.com.cn and ifeng.com praised him for leading the present-day China' s silk painting; Shanghai TV shot a documentary for him in the name of the forerunner of China's silk painting and so on. His silk paintings are collected by many national art organizations, famous experts, enterprises and governmental bodies at home and abroad and have found favor with collectors at auctions these two years. The originality and uniqueness make Mu Yilin's silk paintings of high artistic value. As the special topic film about him on CCTV said, Mu Yilin successfully created a unprecedented, distinct and brand new road to art and The visual effects in the painting changed with the angles of view, light sources and the angles of illumination, sometimes bright and colorful, sometimes simple and elegant, taking on a perfect fusion of colors and graphs. The visual effects never occurred in ancient and modern paintings on silk or in any Chinese or foreign paintings.
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